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Tigo from THERA-Trainer

Thera Trainer, Cycling Series are designed as a lower and upper body exerciser to improve the joint mobility and muscle coordination. An effective tool facilitates functional recovery and improved motor skills, and helps therapists and patients achieve their therapy goals.

Intelligence Active-Assisted-Passive Trainer

• Smooth experience: Adaptive to user's performance with motor support (automatically switching supporting modes between Passive, Assisted and Active without interruption during training.)
• One fits all: Enables Effective exercise for all phases of rehabilitation patients are in.
• Motor Skills Training and Motivated Games

Tigo biofeedback from THERA-Trainer
Mobi from THERA-Trainer


Activo from THERA-Trainer


Product Highlights

• Improve joint mobility, muscle tone, asymmetry, coordination, motor control and overall mobility.
• Adaptive to patients' needs with accessories: tip-up protection for wheelchair users, foot-fixing for

prevention of inversion/eversion, leg support for

weak or paralyzed legs, wristbands, and armrests for

securing and fixation of paralyzed hands and forearms.
• Training Evaluation Report for Review

Tigo Video

Reach out to us for scheduling
or further information!

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