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FitMi from Flint Rehab

FitMi is a total body workout solution designed to motivate exercise repetitions. The system includes two pucks that can detect tapping, rotations, and movements. It is a total body workout solution designed to motivate exercise repetitions. For each patient, a regimen of exercise can be chosen from 4 categories (Arms, Hands, Core, Leg), according to their ability and weakness. With each repetition completed by the patient, a visual and haptic feedback is provided. 

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Exercise Setup

The exercise ranges from easy to moderate. For example, an easy exercise: Tapping the pucks alternatively on tabletop; a moderate level exercise: Reaching and tapping the pucks with arms crossing midline.

FitMi demonstration from Flint Rehab
FitMi research result from Flint Rehab

Scientific Proved

Patients improve their control and coordination with daily exercise sessions of 10-15 minutes, which leads to increased ability to complete more complex tasks.

Product Highlight

The software can be installed on tablet, 21” workstation, or PC, and can be used together with MusicGlove.

FitMi Video

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